The Location of Haven’s Tower in “Conflict”.

The characters in Conflict, the first book in the Crossover Series, attempted to escape the warlord Tork by fleeing up the Susquehanna River. And decide to make a stand just north of present day Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Their first early defense against any attack by a pursuing Tork was a watchtower.

On the same trip as the one where I took a canoe trip down the Susquehanna, I was able to find the exact location of that tower (built by my characters back in the 11th century). And was thrilled to find that a cemetery occupies the tower’s hill in this century.

Present day tower location

The present day location of Haven’s tower

Not thrilled about the graves, but rather that the hill was cleared of trees and provided an excellent view of what Joe and his band could see in Conflict.

View from Haven's tower

Present day view from Haven’s tower.

Of course, the roads cut into the hills to the south weren’t there back in 1054 AD! For reference, here’s the map found in Conflict:

Location of Haven's tower

Location of the lookout tower relative to Haven

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